The RDM Responder Conformance Test is a Windows Application that performs tests on products claiming compliance with the ANSI E1.20 -2010 [Remote Device Management over DMX512 Networks] and ANSI E1.37-1 [Additional Message Sets for ANSI E1.20 (RDM) – Part 1, Dimmer Message Sets] standards and seeks to evaluate a product's compliance with those documents.
The tests provide a clear determination of Pass, Fail, Warning or Advisory levels together with the decoded Parameter Data for all command classes and Parameter ID’s (PIDs).
The RDM Responder Conformance Test is targeted at manufacturers and developers wishing to ensure that product is compliant before being placed on the market, but will be equally useful to technical sales consultants and commissioning engineers wishing to verify that market claims of RDM compatibility are indeed being met. Compliance with standards improves the interoperability of products and greatly enhances the end user experience.
The application runs on all Windows platforms through a standard USB port in conjunction with either a JESE Ltd TRI MK1 or Goddard Design DMXter4 series USB-RDM interface.
The Software is licensed for use with designated interfaces and an annual support contract will ensure that updates are available to test additional extensions to the RDM standards as they are published.
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